Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bronchitis...Pneumonia...Fractured Rib?

If you didn't read the title, then go ahead and read it and you'll figure out what I've been going through over the last 1 1/2 months. That's right, it all started with a nasty annoying (but dry) cough. I just assumed it was allergies, since they've been really bad, but 4 weeks later and I still have annoying cough, but it's turning into a wet cough with nastiness being coughed up, and being awake countless hours of the night coughing, I decided that maybe I should go to the dr. thinking, I don't know, maybe I have asthma, like every other person in my family (I was secretly hoping that's what it would be). But what did the nice Dr. lady have to say??? I apparently have/had bronchitis that turned into pneumonia and what can they do about it? Well, I'm prego, so she gave me the only antibiotic that I could take, and preceded to tell me that the antibiotic will only clear up the pneumonia, but the bronchitis can last up to 3 months! GREAT!! So, pretty much I went home with an antibiotic and nothing else. After 3 days on the antibiotic and still hardly any sleep, I had a meltdown around 9pm. I freaked out at Brian (as only a pregnant woman can) and called my Mom, who lovingly told me to just call my obgyn and see if there was anything I could take for the cough. Sudafed was the answer...oh, and have you tried a to Target I go, pj's on and all, with my hair disheveled and my face all blotchy from crying! I can only imagine what the poor cashier thought when I was checking out, she kept looking at me like I was going to pull a knife on her or something. Fast forward a week...I'm doing ok, my cough is almost gone, still lingering, but not keeping me up as much as before. But now I have this excruciating pain in my left side...OUCH! Brian can't even give me a hug without my almost screaming in pain. I can't do anything...ok, the babies not that big yet, so I know it's not from him kicking me. So, after 4 days of sucking it up and thinking it will get better...I go back to the Dr. and what did dr. lady tell me this time...oh, it looks like you have a fractured rib from coughing so hard. WHAT?!? And guess what we can do for you....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, since you are pregnant. She said that even if I wasn't prego the only thing that they could really do was give my pain meds. Oh, but don't you worry folks, I can still take tylenol! YIPEE!!! And just in case you are wondering...NO, it's still not better and I had another monumental freak out last night at 12:43am...Brian got up while I was crying in the bathroom and asked if I wanted a blessing, I said yes and after trying to compose myself, I walked back into our room, just to find Brian already zonked I didn't want to wake him and I just dealt with it!

I have to stick up for Brian, he's been a tremendous husband. He's been working 6 12's, and yet he's still happy when he comes home and always makes sure that I have what I need. And he even put in 15 1/2 hours yesterday (hence the reason I was crying in the bathroom and not our room, I didn't want to wake him up)! I honestly love him and am so grateful that he is my husband! He's the best!

Has anyone else out there had a broken rib? If so, can you tell me what you did to alleviate the pain?

P.S. Sorry for the long post, but that's what's been going on in my life!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Harley and Ace

I'm totally at a loss as to why I haven't posted about our dogs before, so here you go!


(Harley when he was a little puppy)

Brian and I went to the pet store the day after Valentine's last year. We didn't go thinking we'd leave with a dog, we just like to go look. We saw Harley and immediately fell in love. Then Brian saw that he and Harley shared a birthday, so a few $$$ later we walked away with Harley...what can I say, we love him! Harley is our crazy dog...he can never sit still (except to eat), and even then he has a hard time. He also has a crazy eye, for some reason one of his eyes doesn't have any white around it, it's all black! He is always wagging his tale...even when he's getting into trouble. He also loves his little brother (Ace), you will often find Harley grooming Ace (he knocks him over to get him so he can clean his ear out) I must say that Ace, for the most part, loves it. As soon as Harley is cleaning his ear, he falls asleep. It's very funny to watch! Harley is 1/4 English Spaniel and 3/4 Beagle.


(Ace the day we got him)

I was looking ksl classifieds one evening...scrolling through the dogs, when I came to a listing with the cutest beagles EVER! Brian and I had been thinking about getting another dog so that Harley wasn't so bored by himself while we both were working. Brian called the owner and he said to come take a look. Once again Brian and I weren't going there to buy a puppy...just to merely look. Well, Ace caught out eye (he was the fattest puppy by over a pound) and he has the funniest overbite you will ever see! He is also a rare beagle since he has no black on him. Well once again after a few $$$ later, we walked away with Ace. Ace is our mellow dog (except when bothered by Harley) he is very chill and always wants to snuggle and relax. He loves to play fetch and keep away from Harley. He is very timid and you can't get mad at him because he'll be sad for hours. He is a follower and tends to get blamed for a lot of things that Harley does! He also has the prettiest golden brown/green eyes! He is 100% pure beagle!

(Aren't they cute???)

(Harley meeting Ace for the first time!)

(They aren't puppies anymore)

We love our dogs and really I can't imagine not having them. They make life a lot more enjoyable and a lot less sleepful (I got up 3 times last night with them). And they make life a lot more stressful all at the same time! So there you have it, our dogs....I know you want one now!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I must admit that I have never lost or had anything from my purse stolen ( debit card). So, this is a little traumatic for me. It all came about when my temple recommend fell out of my purse this morning...I proceeded to go to the gas station to get a bottle of water, when I found that my debit card was not in my purse...STRANGE, so thinking that it fell out of my purse when my recommend did (and since they are doing construction right in front of our house) I felt that I should immediately run home to make sure that it wasn't just sitting in our driveway for some crazy construction dude to pick up. Well, it wasn't there...when was the last time I used it??? Oh yeah, my sister's b-day was yesterday and I was trying to buy her a book at Barnes and Noble (needless to say, she already has every book on the planet) I didn't end up buying her anything, but I did buy myself a baby name book! Anyway, back to the I come to work this morning anxiously awaiting for the time to read 9:00am, since that's what time they open. 9:15am I make the anticipated call...just to be put on indefinite hold with no hold music, what is this world coming to. Finally, the ever present lady gets back on the phone, asks me my name and phone #, then just says ok, we'll look for it...what? Do you mean you didn't find it up at the cashier's desk, or did you not look for it, did you even check??? Fine, whatever, this really sucks. Ok, I'll check my car once more, maybe it fell underneath the seat, surprisingly my car is spotless, so it's very easy for me to check. It's not anywhere to be found. Dreading, I call the bank with the anticipation that they are going to make a huge deal and it's going to be ever so hard to use it...this is how the call went:

Banker: Good morning how may I help you?

Me: I'm not quite sure who to speak to, but I lost my debit card...

Banker: Oh, I'm just the person you need to talk to.

Me: Oh, good.

Banker: Ok, well what's your name?

Me: Katie _____

Banker: Have you already checked your account to make sure nothing has been charged that you didn't authorize? When was the last time you remember having it?

Me: Yes, I did that this morning and nothing has been. And I used it last night.

Banker: Ok, Katie what are the last 4 digits of your SS# and your mother's maiden name?

Me: I proceed to tell her...I think I passed with flying colors!

Banker: Ok, I've put a hold on that card and I will issue you a new one which you'll receive in 7-10 business days. Call us when you get it and we'll set you up with a new pin...

Me: Ok, thank you so much! (what, that's it, no hassle, no questioning, AWESOME)!!

With much relief I hang up the phone. That was WAY too easy. I now feel somewhat at peace, other than I will be checking my account all day!

Stay tuned for pictures from today's ultrasound!