Friday, September 22, 2006

Classic Disney

Don't you just love the good ole' disney classics? We just got done watching Aladdin, which I must say is one of my favorite movies, right next to The Little Mermaid. I love it. And it seems that they are still coming out with such good wholesome movies for families. Anyway, not much of a blog this time, but Leah was mad that I didn't have anything knew...but I should be mad at her too since she doesn't have anything new either. I guess I'm just the better sister...


{Erica} said...

out of all the disney "dudes" prince Eric is the HOTTEST!! the should stay the beast...cause when he turns into the prince...he is NASTY...ever notice that disney doesn't portray the beast with the prince at the end but rather, they have him still as the beast....again, because dude is nasty at the end. Alladin has nice abs, but he's a little middle eastern for my taste...and Lee (mulan) has nice arms but I'm just not into Asians. Mmmmmmm.....prince Eric! :) hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Katie, you must have nothing going on in your life to start a blog that just talks about Disney movies and how much you hate the rain. Please, next time you write, tell us about the hot, steamy night you had with Brian. HAHAHAHA, kidding